Illness and Death

Recently I ended up in hospital due to a virus, along with lack of sleep, poor diet and stress. I was so ill I ended up with high ketosis and was told if I had been an hour or two later getting to hospital, I could have died. 

I am now back at home and been here for the last couple of weeks resting up.

I wanted to share this with you because it makes you think when you have a near death experience and this is the second in my life (the first was an overdose of insulin when I was a teenager… A story for another time), and it hits some home truths.

I am a Christian, I know when I am called to leave this world, I know I will be with Him in Heaven. I know a lot of people whom have gone through similar things as I and that they are also thankful to God to still be alive. Praise His name.

There are however people out there who do not know God or His love for them and this is where I want to challenge you today. To speak to someone, a family member, a friend or even a complete stranger about God and what great things He is doing in your life. Show through your actions that you are a Child of God. Help those who need help, even if it is just sitting with someone and listening to their day. Build up relationships with your neighbors, the bus driver, the local shops etc. God will always give you opportunities if you are receptive to them and allow God to work through you.

Pray daily, read your Bible daily and if you don’t attend a bible study/house group through church, find one. God will guide your path. God has a hunger for you to have communion with him daily.

If you need help in spending time with God, Google UCB Word for today, you can sign up for free to receive a daily email and most smart phones now have email on them so you can get it sent to your phone. Use this, it helps build you up and helps teach you God’s will and helps you have communion with him.

There are some great Bible apps to for your smart phones which are also free to download from the apps store. Check them out, the one I use is by a company called YouVersion and has multiple versions of the Bible so you can find one which you can easily understand. You are also able to communicate with friends via the app and do bible studies together.

I hope that I have inspired you to step out in your faith. As Jesus said, “… Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossib 


 le for you. ””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭17:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬