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I wanted to share this, not to boast or anything like that at all. I wanted to share this because I wanted to show how important it is to connect with God daily. To draw close to Him so He can draw close to you.

Most of the plans I read are by people who truest know God like Nicky Gumbel and Joyce Meyer. It’s not just about reading God’s Word and getting to know Him, it’s who you are listening to and learning from. As the scriptures state, there are “Wolves in sheep’s clothing” and these sort of people can lead Christians who are not fully mature in Christ ashtray (usually because they don’t know they are not mature in Christ), or offered that if they believe in God, God will make them rich. To that I want to say this, look at what Jesus told the rich man, “Go and sell what you have and give to the poor, then come and follow me”

“Lord Jesus, I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins, I thank you for being with me in all I do and I seek your council on what I am to do in every situation. I ask you do the same for those reading this and not reading this. The world needs you and you always bring goodness out of bad situations, and you allow certain situations, so that we will grow in faith, hope and love. Continue to build us up in your name Lord Jesus, Amen”

Answer to Prayer

As a Christian, Prayer is part of my everyday life just like millions of others. In a world we’re we live and expect things now, straight away and hate waiting even an extra 30 seconds for a microwave to finish, when it comes to Prayers being answered, we usually have to wait on God and His timing.

Rick Warren says it best:

Rick Warren writes, ‘When the request is not right, God says “No”. When the timing is not right, God says “Slow”. When you are not right, God says “Grow”. But when the request is right and the timing is right and you are right, God says “Go”.’