Healing of Depression

I want to talk to you about depression and what it entailed for me.

I never slept well, I would wake up throughout the night several times, time would seem to pass so fast, I would loose track of days. I would close my eyes and it would feel like 5 minutes as passed however it would be anything from an hour to four hours. I wouldn’t sleep well, I would struggle to get up in the mornings, and most days it would be after 12 noon and sometimes later. I struggled to do anything, most days, just getting out of bed, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, doing my ablutions, going downstairs, making breakfast was sometimes just to much to cope. I struggled every day for the last 30 plus years.

As a Christian, I trust and believe in Jesus as the Son of God… The Word of God which became flash, who came to earth and died for my sin (my wrongful acts and thoughts, which displeased and went against God’s will). Because of this, and because of Jesus’ teachings that He came to give life and life abundantly (John Ch 10: verses 9-11 ESV) I believe as many Christians believe, Jesus will heal me of the many health conditions I have.

At times this has been a real struggle, and at times I have believed the lies satan (including his demons) has told me, that I am worthless, I won’t be healed, why would God heal me? God doesn’t love me or He would heal me, God isn’t real. satan is a master manipulator and anyone who has been in a relationship with anyone who manipulates them, will know how those people will twist the truth and lie to get what they want. I learnt that the hard way.

Yesterday, I had a bad day, I broke down and I figuratively speaking, fell on my knees in tears and said to God.

“Lord, I’m loosing my faith. I have prayed for so many years, asking for healing and every time I do, my health gets worse or something else happens and I get another condition or health issue. I can’t take anymore, why won’t you heal me, you say you love me, and I’ve seen you work in my life, yet the healing I need, I don’t receive. Even if it’s just the depression you heal me from, I could do more and get some things sorted in my life and home. Please heal me”

After my meltdown and it was a meltdown, I won’t sugar coat it, I started to think about how Jesus teaches about praying for the sick, how Jesus and then the disciples healed the sick, the lame and the blind etc. I will add here, I’ve been using the YouVerson Bible app and reading Bible Plans by Nicky Gumbel and Joyce Meyer on healing, healthy mind, understanding Jesus and The Bible In One Year since lockdown. After all of these things, I reached out to the Church which Nicky Gumbel worships at, plus a Prayer network and I even contacted my minister as I felt I was loosing my faith due to these health issues.

I don’t know if the church or prayer network has had anyone pray for me yet, but I know my minister has. He responded with some Bible passages which I want to add below because they have helped me and if you are suffering with health issues, I pray they will help and support you in your faith.

Quote “There is much we don’t understand about God and his ways, But we can still trust him – where else can we turn? I have some verses of scripture to encourage you…Firstly remember this…
1 Peter ch 1: v6-9 NCV; 1 Peter ch 4: v1 NCV. Also when your faith is feeling week be encouraged to dig into the word and fellowship. Romans ch 10: v17 NCV and Romans ch 1: v12 NCV” End Quote

The one thing I want you to remember and like my minister said. Dig into the Word of God. Even if you do not know where to start reading, just start reading. Try starting with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), and trust and believe God has your best interests at heart.

This brings me to what I want to share with you today. A VICTORY OVER DEPRESSION.

Last night I kept waking up, and as I said previously, I normally I would close my eyes and several hours (like 4 hours would pass and I’d feel like it had been 5 minutes and felt I had no sleep), last night I kept waking up and I found only 30 minutes to an hourish would pass but I didn’t feel tired as much and it didn’t feel like 5 minutes had passed. This happened several times and I thought it’s not like a normal night. I was reminded this morning (I believe by The Holy Spirit) of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, where time can either feel fast or slow depending upon the circumstances. Normally I sleep a lot, even if it’s intermittently due to being overwhelmingly tired. I can loose hours at a time and feel like I’ve not done anything all day (most of the time) and says can blur into another making me lose weeks at a time. This morning I felt a change, I felt time was moving differently and that something chemically had changed. Overnight, I believe God has changed my chemical makeup in the brain and healed me of depression. I say this as I don’t feel the same as I did yesterday or previously. I have that nagging in the back of my mind that it will come back. “It’s only a temporary thing” but I believe that is satan trying to lie and make me disbelieve the Miracle God has Blessed me with.

My spirit and my heart believes I am healed, even if my mind is lagging a little behind waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak, however I am choosing to trust in Christ, My Saviour. As Joyce Meyer’s says, get your head in the right mindset.

I have prayed the following prayer for myself and I pray it for all who read this to. God has your back, even if you don’t feel Him with you, He never leaves you or forsakes you Hebrews ch 13: v5, Deuteronomy ch 31: v6

“Lord Jesus, Thank you so much for healing me. I know I have several conditions and even though they may not be dealt with yet, you have healed me of depression and I am truly grateful for that. Thank you for Loving me and Blessing me with this gift and a healthy mind. I ask for your Blessings to speak into every part of my life and make me whole like Jesus, in your name Lord Jesus I ask this, Amen”