A Good Parent – Part 2

UCB Word For Today

What Your Child Deserves (2)27 NOVEMBER 2015

‘Bring them…so I may bless them.’ 

Genesis 48:9 NIV (2011 Edition)

Here are three more things your children deserve from you: 


1) Forgive them, and be willing to ask for their forgiveness. By doing this you’re teaching them that: a) We must all deal with the consequences of our actions. And that when we do, we grow. b) Failing doesn’t make you a failure; it’s just part of learning and maturing. It comes with the turf. c) We should be quick to extend to others the same grace that has so often been extended to us.

2) Separate the baggage. One man became anxious and depressed as his son approached his twelfth birthday. Shortly after the boy’s birthday party, the father was thumbing through a photo album from his own childhood. That’s when it dawned on him that he was twelve when his father abandoned the family and then killed himself. Watching his son approach the same age made him afraid because it reopened old wounds – unhealed ones. A caring counsellor helped him regain his perspective and peace by helping him realise he was a very different man from his father, and he wasn’t about to abandon his family.


3) Bless them. ‘“They are the sons God has given me here,” Joseph said to his father. Then Israel said, “Bring them to me so I may bless them”’ (v. 9 NIV 2011 Edition). The principles you live by and the blessings you enjoy are meant to be passed on to your children and grandchildren. Whether it’s expressing what’s in your heart, or sending a note or email to say you’re proud of them, bless your children at every possible opportunity.

A Good Parent -Part 1

UCB Word For Today 

What Your Child Deserves (1)26 NOVEMBER 2015

‘Children are a gift from the Lord.’ 

Psalm 127:3 NLT

Your children deserve certain things, like:


 1) Time. Not leftover time at the end of the day, but prioritised time. If your life is ruled by a schedule and your children aren’t on it, do something – quickly. Otherwise there’ll come a day when you’re not included in their schedule. Simply watching television together for three hours won’t cut it; you must be ‘emotionally present’. Sometimes that means letting them see your fears and insecurities, even as they witness your delight and appreciation of them.

2) Openness. There’s so much our children can teach us about themselves, about ourselves, and about who God is. Once we realise we don’t have all the answers, we become open to allowing God to speak to us through our children. That kind of receptivity strengthens their faith, helps them remain teachable, and also keeps us young at heart.

3) Structure. It’s vital, during the formative years, to establish rules and maintain boundaries. Children need guidelines and a framework to feel secure. In the early years this includes things like having an established bedtime, then moving it back as they get older. This helps them understand that age brings freedom, but not all at once, because freedom brings responsibility and they’re not as ready to handle it as they think. Don’t try to be your child’s best friend, or look to them to meet your emotional needs. Their shoulders aren’t broad enough to carry that load. Be confident in God, and in who you are. Seek outside encouragement from healthy sources. In short, strive to become the firm, gentle parent your child deserves.

Relationship Advice

As most who read my Blog will know, I’m a “Practicing” Christian, (What that means is, I live my life as best as I can to the teachings of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour). This faith I have, has helped me in my desire to meet someone special, settle down and hopefully God Willing, have children. What I am explaining at the moment, will help explain what I will be talking about later on.
Recently I have been chatting and encouraging several people with their walks with God and relationship advice. A couple of these individuals, have gone and met or planned to meet either ladies or gentlemen to start a relationship, some of these has either ended up in a one night stand or a bad split after a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Leaving these individuals feeling unloved, heart broken, depressed, feeling hopeless to name just a few of their emotions/emotional states. As several of you will know from my previous blog posts, I went through a bad brake up this time last year (November 2014), when I found out my partner had continuously lied to me, from the first time I met her (x2 year relationship. The woman I fell in love with never existed). My own desire to meet someone and settle down has been at times a struggle, and I like most if not all people at one time or another put my own desires before doing God’s Will. When this has happened, it does not end well for us. I know from experience, these relationships have ended badly. However saying that, God has always shone through the darkest of days and raised me up from the ashes and mud pile, dusted me off and set me back on the correct path.


In this respect, this is where the most important part of knowing God is, for helping and guiding relationships. In my opinion, most Christians I have met, which use dating sites, seem to have a longing to settle down and feel loved. A majority seem to feel that if they meet someone, they will be happy, as if this magical person will bring rainbows into their lives and all will be well. That is why, when these relationships fail, they feel unloved, heart broken, depressed and feeling hopeless, etc. This isn’t just Christians, or people in general whom use dating sites, but other walks of life to.

What I suggest for anyone going through this, and feeling these emotions is this, and it has been a revelation for me, which I hope it will be for you too. It’s helped me in my walk with God, giving me a Peace only God can give, and also the relationships I have, whether they be friendships, family relationships and/or acquaintances, etc. First focus on God. You may feel you do this, and you may. However, if you are feeling unloved and unwanted, then something isn’t right, and the best person to go to in these situations is God, Our Heavenly Father. I ask you to pull yourself closer to God. Read His word (Bible). He is the one who is “ALWAYS” with “YOU”. No matter what happens in life, He is right by your side (You may want to google the poem, “Footprints In The Sand”, once you read it, you will see why). Speak to your minister, if you don’t have a minister at church, then speak to one of the leaders of the church, or if you don’t attend a church, then pray God will help you find one and go out and look at churches to attend. The Holy Spirit will guide you to the correct church to attend, which is filled with the Holy Spirit. I believe you can not grow fully in the Spirit of God, or mature as a Christian, if you are not engaged with God and be surrounded by your brothers and sisters in Christ. We are a family, and God intended us to spend time with each other in His company, (Matthew Ch12:v50 – Read Verses 46 – 50 for Context). Like wise, if you don’t attend a house group, or Bible Study group (Different churches call them different things), then get yourself in one, speak to the church minister or leaders and they should be able to guide you to one, which is suited to your needs and location of where you live. You may wish to sign up to do an ALPHA course (these are free and usually ran by most churches throughout the year) these will give you an opportunity to ask more questions about God and your relationship with Him and others, (I’ve been a Christian for about 21 years now and I did an ALPHA Course a few years back, to get to grips with some of the understandings and mis-understandings I had of God, these are a great baseline to get the facts and where we need to be in Christ).

Be happy with yourself, if you are not happy with whom you are, you can not expect someone else to make you happy. Like wise if you see your own self worth, then others will see that too. This is a mindset and it isn’t easy to change, however it is possible, so don’t give up. Sometimes we need a word of encouragement and I think we all can relate to having people who drag us down at times and criticise us. My suggestion with this is, surrounding yourself with positive, faith fighting people of God. These people will encourage you if you are open and honest with them, about where you are in life and how you feel. There is no worse feeling when you try your hardest, to have someone criticise you and belittle you, so surrounding yourself with the right people will help and help you realise your self worth. This doesn’t mean surrounding yourself with so called “Yes Men” but having positive people around you who offer constructive criticism, and offers words of encouragement and wisdom. 
I would also recommend if you are struggling with your own self worth, you may need to see a counsellor, there is no shame in seeing one as they are there to help, so speaking with your GP (Doctor) may be an option. Many years ago, I saw a counsellor and it helped me a great deal with some childhood trauma I had and my self worth, this lead on once I had finishing seeing a counsellor becoming trained in counselling myself, so that I to could help others. You should also go and speak to your minister and/or leaders about possibly getting a “Christian Mentor”. I have felt God say to me for a couple of years now I needed a mentor, someone to help guide and support me and build me up in Christ, so I may come to full fruition and become the man I am meant to be in Christ. Due to depression and other things, I kept putting it off until I got to a point where I needed to get one. I am now happy to say, my minister has helped me find a mentor, whom is amazing, and Holy Spirit filled gentleman, whom I have known and respected for many years. Just having one meeting with him, and him showing me my self worth and guiding me, has helped me so much. With the family I have which belittles me quite a bit, (I know they love me and this is unintentional, however it pulls me down), having a mentor who inspires me and builds me up, has given me a new release of life, and has helped me overcome some obstacles. This in turn, has meant I have a new outlook on life and I’m getting to know the real me, which God has created me to be, and my mind set is changing for the better. Like wise this will help you to, and once you see your self worth, you will start to love yourself. Once you are happy with whom you are, others will start to appreciate you for who you are and respect you for it. You will learn to be confident in your faith and walk with God and know who you are as a person.

Do I still want to meet a special someone, settle down and have children? The simple answer, is yes. However, being more focused on God, He has revealed to me through prayer, vision and through others, that I need to sort certain things out in my life before I meet “Miss Right”, or at least get together with her if I have met her already. I will be totally open and honest with you here, as I know you will need to be fully open and honest with yourselves, and I hope this will help you see any issues or concerns in your own life, which you may need to deal with and also have the correct mind set to have. For me, I need to declutter my home, I still haven’t fully organised my new home from when I moved in two years ago, boxes and junk everywhere, I have felt God say to me, “A woman won’t want to live in a mess, you don’t like to live in one Bob so you can’t expect your future wife to”. Having clutter also affects your mindset and can make you feel depressed and low self esteem. The second is I need to declutter my mind set. As long as my self worth is low, I won’t be the man I am created to be. Because of this, I will be depressed, down, unhappy and unsupportive of my partner or/and others around me. This is not good for any relationship, whether it be with a future wife/husband, friends, family etc. God has shown me, if I have a mentor, I will not only grow in my faith in Christ, I will shine like a star in the clear night sky, because I will be supported, uplifted and have constructive criticism. I must be willing to learn, develop and acknowledge if I make any mistakes and be happy to rectify them. Be willing to have a slap on the hand so to speak in a positive atmosphere. We all screw up from time to time, but acknowledging them mistakes and learning from them is an important step to developing ourselves to be more like Christ. In this we will be happy with whom we are. That means once we are happy, we will attract others to use like a magnet and we can infect them so to speak with happiness and joy. Once we are happy and filled with joy, our mindset and lives change for the better. This in turn means because we are filled with happiness and joy and we are focused on God, when we meet a possible partner, things happen naturally and they aren’t forced, so both parties feel able to build a more natural connection with each other. I know from speaking with God that I will meet someone, right now is not the time for me to be in a relationship, and I feel at peace about it. Do I get lonely, yes, on the odd occasion I do, however, I know if I am focusing on God and getting my home and mindset right, then in time I will have the right woman in my life. A woman who will support me and build me up in my faith and in Christ and vice versa where I will support and lift her up.

If you have a heart to settle down, God knows your desires and he knows your needs. God will always provide you with everything you need (you may not get what you want all the time, however your needs are always covered lol). He always provides (Jehovah Jireh = God The Provider), so trust in God, be open to hearing Him and what He has to say. You won’t go wrong by doing that and in time I know God will answer your desire to settle down with the right person for you, and it will happen naturally. 
Stay Blessed,



Over the last couple of months I’ve been setting up a “Stop The Con” page on Facebook, which is to help spread awareness and hopefully stop known conmen and conwomen throughout the world.

I felt I should share this Whatsapp Con with you to try and stop these conpeople.
You will receive an email which appears to be from Whatsapp (shown above), however, when you check out the email address (this is something I recommend you do do, and even then be aware that conpeople can make similar email address – for example if mine were “bobonlife.com”, they could call theirs “bobsonlife.com”, the difference being just an “s”, so without fully checking you wouldn’t know, so please alway check. If in doubt, don’t open the email), you’ll find it isn’t from whatsapp at all (shown below)


If you do open the email, you’ll find it will look something like this:

If you click on the image/link, it will take you to a website which could and most likely contain a virus or/and malware, which can gain control of your computer, gain access of your online banking and or ther information, including passwords and usernames as some record and transmit your keystrokes (keyboard), which then leads onto them either blackmailing you, taking loans etc out in your name, identity theft etc.

This isn’t just what could happen from this con, but any email con sent to you.

If you think you have been targeted, you can get in touch with the police fraud squad called “Action Fraud” on 03001232040 (UK only, other countries should have their own. Try googling for your area) and they can talk you through what has happened and what you should do.


To follow and like our page “StopTheCon” on Facebook at: www.facbook.com/STOPTHECONMEN


Black Dog

For several years I have suffered from depression, and as anyone knows who suffers from this, it has it’s good days and bad days.

A friend recently sent me a link called “Black Dog”, which helped me understand the depression I have. I wanted to share this with you and I hope and pray it helps you or someone you know.

Be Blessed

Wandering Heart

I’ve had a word from God and I felt I needed to share it with you.
“It’s about having the right heart for God”
I felt I should google this and this stood out to me. Please let me know if this word and link speaks to you x 