New Beginnings For 2016

I don’t understand why people are wishing for 2016 to start because they feel they’ve had a bad 2015. The previous years were meant to have been bad by these individuals too, so to me it makes me think of a couple of things which need to be changed. Instead of wishing your lives away (as “Oh next year will be better” – it won’t unless you change things for the better in life), why not make some positive changes.
Some of which, I personally feel are essential in life:
1) Declutter your lives.

     a) remove all people who are not positive in your life – that doesn’t mean the ones who just agree with you about everything (see 1b), but have the people who will be positive and constructive in your live and build you up.

    b) get rid of the kiss asses and people who are attention seekers, you don’t need “OTHER PEOPLE’s ” Drama.
2) Learn to keep your mouth shut. You don’t need to tell everyone and the world what drama is happening in your life. As my grandfather used to say “Don’t give other people bullets to fire at you”. Most people don’t care and those who gossip about it to others are not the people you want knowing your business anyway. This doesn’t mean you can’t discuss and ask for advise from some close friends. People you know will give you wise counsel (see 3).
3) Surround yourself with people who are wise, people who know how to deal with situations in a positive and constructive manner. Going and breaking someone’s legs or keying someone’s car is not a wise option. Use your brains, yes you do have some.
4) Believe in yourself. You can do amazing and wonderful things if you believe in yourself and have confidence in who you are. Try it you’ll be surprised at how much richer life will be for you.
5) Stop slagging other people off, no one cares about what you think of someone and it’s gossip (See 2 and 6).
6) Say something positive and constructive without criticism. The is no such thing as constructive criticism, it’s either A) Constructive or B) Criticism.

You have the chance to build someone up or to tear them down. Be wise and build them up.
7) Stop being bitter.

    a) Stop picking faults with people.

     b) Learn to forgive people, holding onto what so and so did 10 years ago or even last week, won’t put you in a positive frame of mind and it will eat away at you. The person you are holding a grudge against, probably hasn’t given it two thoughts. So it’s only hurting and harming you.

    c) Move on. Stop holding onto the past, past emotions or past acts. Looking back means you aren’t looking forward, so how can you see where you are heading? It’s simple… You can’t. So focus on what’s ahead.
8) Learn to help those in need. It’s no good seeing someone go hungry and wishing them good look in finding something to eat. Or seeing someone having some issues and saying I hope it gets better if you don’t actively do something to help. If they are hungry, feed them. If they need support, lend a ear to listen and a should to cry on if need be. Give wise counsel (see 9).
9) Think before you speak. Think, how could this be perceived by others (this doesn’t mean act in a certain way in front of others and then another way on your own or around other people). But realise that others don’t believe or even understand what you believe or think (see 10).
10) Be prepared to say sorry, even if you are not at fault, be the bigger person. This doesn’t mean you have to be a push over, just that you are willing to make a peaceful resolution to a situation.
11) Stop looking at making some to make you happy. You can’t expect someone else to make you happy because you are unhappy. If you go into a relationship thinking if I had a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner I would be happy. You are putting your happiness on something which won’t hold up to the pressure. Learn to be happy with whom you are, then someone else will be happy being with you. Likewise, you’ll he’ll be happier being with them. The main thing is to be happy with yourself first.
12) Be Genuine. With yourself and to others. Life is short and there is no time for being fake with others or yourself.
I hope this has helped be constructive and positive for you and will help you start 2016 with a new sense of purpose and direction.
I love you all and pray you find wisdom and happiness for 2016


Song Review: Someone Worth Dying For – MIKESCHAIR

Recently, I’ve been listening to United Christian Broadcasting (UCB) Radio on DAB Radio, over the last 6 months. They have been playing some amazing songs by various Christian Artists. One of my favourite at the moment is: “Someone Worth Dying For” by MIKESCHAIR (Album: A Beautiful Life)

MIKESCHAIR Someone Worth Dying For

I feel this song is upbeat and has an openness to it with their contemporary Christian style. This not only I think speaks to my own personal heart and spirit, but to many other Christians today. I think one of the biggest issues for Christians, and I too struggle with this at times, is truly believing and accepting they are LOVED by God, our Father in Heaven. We feel we are “not good enough”, or “how could an amazing God love me (us) when I keep sinning?”. We screw up, yes. However, God calls us as we are. Sinful, Broken, Hurting, In Pain, Vulnerable and feeling Unloved. God stands with arms wide open and calls us by name. He calls us into his loving arms and embrace and into His amazing life, Eternal. He (God) opens us up to our full potential in Him.

This song reflects this and makes you understand the desire, which is coming from your own heart, to know God intimately. To see a desire that we want to know God and see ourselves as God, Himself sees us. To know we are worth dying for.

I’ve included below the lyrics of the song and a link to the Official YouTube Video.

I would welcome your thoughts and comments on this song. If it has helped you and inspired you.

Stay Blessed,


“Someone Worth Dying For”

You might be the wife waiting up at night
You might be the man struggling to provide
Feeling like it’s hopeless

Maybe you’re the son who chose a broken road
Maybe you’re the girl thinking you’ll end up alone
Praying God, can You hear me?
Oh, God, are You listening?

Am I more than flesh and bone?
Am I really something beautiful?
Yeah, I wanna believe
I wanna believe that

I’m not just some wandering soul
That You don’t see and You don’t know
Yeah, I wanna believe, Jesus, help me believe
That I am someone worth dying for

I know you’ve heard the truth that God has set you free
But you think you’re the one that grace could never reach
So you just keep asking
Oh, what everybody’s asking

Am I more than flesh and bone?
Am I really something beautiful?
Yeah I wanna believe
I wanna believe that

That I’m not just some wandering soul
That You don’t see and You don’t know
Yeah, I wanna believe, Jesus, help me believe
That I am someone worth dying for

You’re worth it, you can’t earn it
Yeah, the cross has proven
That You’re sacred and blameless
Your life has purpose

You are more than flesh and bone
Can’t you see, you’re something beautiful?
Yes, you gotta believe, you gotta believe
He wants you to see, He wants you to see

That you’re not just some wandering soul
That can’t be seen and can’t be known
Yeah, you gotta believe, you gotta believe that you are
Someone worth dying for, oh

You’re someone worth dying for, oh
You’re someone worth dying for